
SAVERS: SAR ATR with Verification Support Based on Convolutional Neural Network

We propose a new convolutional neural network (CNN) which performs coarse and fine segmentation for end-to-end synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR) system.

Deep Learning for End-to-End Automatic Target Recognition from Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery

The standard architecture of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR) consists of three stages: detection, discrimination, and classification. In this report, we propose a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) for end-to-end ATR from SAR imagery.

Deep Learning for Target Classification from SAR Imagery: Data Augmentation and Translation Invariance

This report deals with translation invariance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for automatic target recognition (ATR) from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. In particular, the translation invariance of CNNs for SAR ATR represents the robustness against misalignment of target chips extracted from SAR images.